Choose Safety in your NJ Oil Tank Removal Company

As we are sure you’ve heard by now, two workers were killed on May 7th when an oil tank exploded at a home in Westchester County. Two laborers were removing a tank from the back of an old home when the tank exploded.

The rest of the block was architecturally spared, but the shock of the explosion had the rest of the neighborhood on edge, leading some to question whether or not oil tank removal is worth it.

As shown by this tragic event, inground oil tanks can be extremely dangerous. Filling them and removing them is the best option, but there are a variety of things that need to fall into place before removal can actually begin.

The cause of the explosion has not been determined, but the gravity of this tragic event leads us to want to discuss safety and caution when choosing an oil tank removal company to work on your New Jersey (NJ) home.

Choose a reliable and experience NJ Oil Tank Removal Company when considering the removal of your oil tank in order to avoid disasters.


Sometimes accidents happen and it is no fault of the workers nor the property owners involved in these tragic accidents. However, there are several precautions that you can take to discuss safety and whether or not oil tank removal is right for you with your local NJ oil tank removal company.

Does the Oil Tank Removal Company Have the Right Permits?

In this tragic event, the question was raised as to whether or not the oil tank removal company had all of the necessary permits and paperwork in line. Certain paperwork is required to start work in the removal of an oil tank on both commercial and residential properties.

While the answer to this question has not yet been determined in this instance, it is something that needs to be spoken about with the NJ oil tank removal company that you are considering to remove yours from your property.

Ask About Official Safety Procedures

When working with a full oil tank, there are safety precautions that need to be taken place and standards that need to be followed.

Talk to your oil tank removal company about these standards and how they will be followed. The company will be able to shed light on best practices for safety during the process and what exactly they do to adhere to these safety precautions.

Get to Know the Workers

For the time period that it takes to remove your oil tank, there will be several workers around your property and your tenants working to get the job done. Get to know the workers on site and talk to them about safety, the procedure and your concerns, if you have any.

After talking to the workers, you should have a better understanding of their capabilities as well as that of the company you are working with. In addition, all the parties will be informed about safety procedures as well as your concerns regarding safety while they will be on site.

When it comes to the removal of your oil tank on your commercial property, safety needs to be your number one priority.

Choose a local oil tank removal company that is familiar with the local NJ environment and safety procedures before you begin the process of removing your oil tank.

oil tank removal nj

T Slack Environmental Services is a certified NJ oil tank removal company that can assist you oil tank removal on you commercial properties. For more information on how we can assist you in your audit process, contact us.

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